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  • #183976249 The family of the Emperor penguin(aptenodytes forsteri)colony on the ice of Davis sea,Eastern Antarctica
  • #550731104 Pied cormorant birds standing on a rock next to the ocean
  • #151508125 Chinstrap Penguin on the beach
  • #151472294 Emperor Penguins with chick
  • #210594828 King Penguins, South Georgia Island, Antarctic
  • #151507816 Chinstrap Penguin on the beach
  • #375422785 Cormorants
  • #145457801 Emperor Penguins with chick
  • #339762786 Two Penguins Looking Down
  • #516696121 King penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) walking on the beach with its wings extende at Jason Harbor, South Georgia Island
  • #1049988664 Baby Penguin Learning to Walk on Ice
  • #48614298 Adult gentoo penguin and chick.
  • #210593049 King Penguins, South Georgia Island, Antarctic
  • #547395307 Paar aus 2 Königspinguinen (APTENODYTES PATAGONICUS) auf Süd Georgien agiert miteinander
  • #67120145 Two King Penguin  walking behind each other
  • #156494413 King Penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus, of Sounder Island, Falkland Islands-Malvinas
  • #489540616 Cute miniature toy penguin colony. Wild animal family.
  • #130258154 Emperor penguins putting their heads together
  • #19141328 Gentoo Penguins on Guard
  • #67457644 Male and female blue-eyed Antarctic shag at the nest in the colo
  • #686323042 several birds that are sitting on a large rock outside by the water
  • #1030614693 Two young penguins positioned on an island's edge in New Zealand, displaying their soft blue and gray feathers against a stunning twilight backdrop
  • #588417728 Paar aus 2 Königspinguinen (APTENODYTES PATAGONICUS) auf Süd Georgien agiert miteinander
  • #87990100 Kaiserpinguin mit Küken
  • #67119985 King Penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) standing on the beach
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