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25 50 75 100
  • #490766774 White snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) close-up. In the forest snowdrops are in bloom in the spring.
  • #257754856 Flowering white crocuses on a Sunny day in the spring. Gentle spring flowers in the sun, background.
  • #424130247 Carpet of snowdrops Galanthus plicatus in spring forest
  • #195771796 Schneeglöckchen vor mittelalterlicher Mauer
  • #138496317 First spring white snowdrops flowers.
  • #263759882 spring flowers in the park. crocus bloom
  • #190483082 Schneeglöckchen-Blüte
  • #526384267 Snowdrops, Podyji, Southern Moravia, Czech Republic
  • #767002303 Galanthus nivalis. White snowdrops. Spring flowers
  • #630784752 Märzenbecher
  • #104756326 Frühling lässt grüßen
  • #773927048 Beautiful flowers of the Galanthus nivalis snowdrop in spring against a forest background on a sunny day.
  • #330753677 Schwarzwald Natur Outdoor Tag Farbe
  • #252049235 White little snowdrops on a blurred background on a sunny day
  • #784136766 Snowdrops on the background of moss -  Szczecin Poland
  • #488349596 Beautiful snowdrop flowers (Galanthus nivalis) at spring
  • #573304020 Tuff Schneeglöckchen (Galanthus) im Laub
  • #247122474 beautiful snowdrop background
  • #556554258 Frühlingsblüher Märzenbecher nach dem winterlichen Schnee: Die geschützte Pflanze auf einer grünen Naturwiese steht unter Naturschutz. Eine erste Nahrungsquelle für Insekten wie Bienen oder Wespen.
  • #489605372 snowdrops in spring
  • #245694646 Frühlingswiese Schneeglöckchen
  • #187141736 Snowdrops in the forest. Snowdrop flower is one of the spring symbols telling us winter is leaving and we have warmer times ahead. Fresh green well complementing the white blossoms.
  • #105030175 Leucojum vernum. Spring snowflakes in the forest
  • #558197253 White snowdrops with raindrops in the forest in spring on a blurred background
  • #63335799 Snowdrops, Galanthus
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