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  • #238407992 seagull
  • #52680064 Western Grebe
  • #395084799 Bird (black-throated loon) in the water
  • #193221504 Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens) swims alone during Migration over Merrill Creek Reservoir, Harmony, NJ, in on a late winter afternoon
  • #224097177 アカエリカイツブリ
  • #433567309 A Herring Gull on a lake in Nantwich
  • #182655355 Bird western grebe at Bolsa Chica Wetlands
  • #497810149 great crested grebe in a sea
  • #389618380 Immature Common Loon (Gavia immer) in Bodega Bay area, California, USA
  • #250845273 bird
  • #163092402 Clark's Grebe (Aechmophorus clarkii) swimming in still waters
  • #179620974 American Avocet
  • #418652044 Close view of a Western grebe, seen in a North California marsh
  • #573606331 Great crested grebe, Podiceps cristatus. A bird floating on a river
  • #572805987 Loon in nonbreeding plumage in the water.
  • #486703387 真冬に主に北日本の海岸で見られる海鳥アビ
  • #389618520 Immature Common Loon (Gavia immer) in Bodega Bay area, California, USA
  • #125427207 Western Grebe swimming in lake
  • #76897083 カンムリカイツブリ
  • #260109976 Gaul
  • #552375746 Red-becked grebe swimming in water
  • #273418421 seagull in the water
  • #89679952 immature shelduck in natural habitat / Tadorna tadorna
  • #770884172 seagull in the water
  • #540466691 Haubentaucher auf dem Zürichsee
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